
After the hiccup: Hurricane Katrina

The hiccup is the lack of order in the street and lack of distribution channels of probably millions of tons of relief. This will pass. What will also pass is the finger pointing at least until the next election cycle. Now after the hiccup how to rebuild. I read the post by Hugh Hewitt on how to rebuild the area, impressive thinking. I would like to edit one point. He suggested"
Second, to speed recovery within that region, the president should
ask for and the Congress should approve a complete exemption from all taxes
--federal, state, and local-- on the income generated from the sale of goods
manufactured in that region by new plants that meet the criteria of employing at
least 100 locals and which are constructed without injury to existing operations
across the U.S. A year of exemption for every 100 manufacturing jobs created in
the recovery region should prove a powerful magnet. Thus if GM built a new plant
in the region employing 800 people, GM would get eight years of tax free revenue
beginning with the first year of operation.

I think that is great but the economic starter fluid for our big block economy is the small company. We are the low capital high risk taking first responders that create jobs.

Honestly I have not thought of any mechanics to benefit the small cap firm but this needs to be addressed. As Hugh Hewitt mentions often this is an open source, so lets figure this out.

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